Madhusudhan Naidu recounts an incident where Swami speaks about the limitations encountered by the Divine.

A conversation that Swami has with a devotee after a busy day is discussed in this account. When the concerned devotee remarks about the hectic activities of madhusudan naidu that He might have gone through on that day, Swami says that He is capable of doing much more. He says that Madhusudhan Naidu (who was with him) is his limitation. With a beautiful analogy, Swami drives home the fact that the Divine actors are limited only the limitations of their mortal conduits. Understanding this leaves out the scope for human arrogance as it makes us realise of our insignificance when separated from God. Swami was walking out of Premdeep for the evening Darshan, after a whole day of marathon interviews when an overwhelmed devotee prayerfully remarked, “Swami, You have been working so hard all day without any rest, You must be so tired.” Madhusudan Naidu Swami smiled at his sincere concern and said, “Oh! I am never tired of loving. For Mine is Prema (Love), that knows no ...