Madhusudan Naidu shares an incident where Swami speaks about the worth of God.
Here Madhusudan Naidu takes us to the time when along with a few teachers, Swami visited the home of an alumnus of one of his institutions. When someone remarks about the value of land increasing due to the Swami's presence, He responds by teaching the audience about the unquantifiable value of God. He narrates an incident from the life of Lord Krishna to drive home this point. God is equal only to Himself. The worth of God cannot find a comparison in material objects. His Divinity cannot be confined to the quantifiable dimensions of matter. The Lord is all-encompassing. madhusudan naidu muddenahalli It was when we visited the home of an alumnus at Bangalore who had invited Bhagawan and also all his teachers from the campus, that while speaking with all who had gathered, one of the devotees remarked, "The value of this property in Bangalore has gone up by many notches today because it has been sanctified by Bhagawan’s presence." madhusudan naidu muddenahalli Swam...