Madhusudan Naidu narrates an instance where Swami teaches about the path to God.

It all starts with Swami observing the physical act of a follower who makes room for Him to pass through a narrow corridor. He utilises this opportunity to speak about a topic of extreme spiritual significance. Swami tells the follower that the path to God is also narrow and that to travel via that path one has to make room by relinquishing the self. He sums it all up in one sentence highlighting the importance of SAI over I. Madhusudan Naidu is reminded of the time when Swami asked him to merge his I into SAI - the unification of one's self with the Eternal Truth. As Swami emerged from His room in the devotees' home at Salta, Argentina, Dr David Cornsweet who was standing outside, guarding the door, stepped back to make way for Swami to move in the narrow hallway. madhusudan naidu muddenahalli Swami, who noticed this, did not miss the opportunity to teach a lesson, as always and turned this mundane moment into a spiritual sermon, when He said, “...