"Mind your Breath" - Madhusudan Naidu highlighting Swami's reflection on Yoga!

Swami when talking to a devotee says that the number of breaths one can take in a lifetime is already decided. And if a person is going to breathe faster, it just means that the person is approaching death in a faster way. Swami points out the significance of breath control as both mind and breath are interrelated. For a person to stay calm and have a positive mind frame, he/she needs to have control over their breath. This is where yoga plays a crucial role. Madhusudan Naidu throws light on Swami's thoughts on Yoga. Speaking about a devotee who was having chest congestion while eating food, Swami said, “How can someone breathe and eat simultaneously!? When you eat, you can’t breathe; when you breathe, you can’t eat. The number of breaths one can take in a life time is already decided, and therefore if you breathe faster, you will have to leave early. A dog that breaths faster has a shorter life; so also, a man who is always worried and excited would have short and fa...