
Showing posts from July, 2018

"Mind your Breath" - Madhusudan Naidu highlighting Swami's reflection on Yoga!

Swami when talking to a devotee says that the number of breaths one can take in a lifetime is already decided. And if a person is going to breathe faster, it just means that the person is approaching death in a faster way. Swami points out the significance of breath control as both mind and breath are interrelated. For a person to stay calm and have a positive mind frame, he/she needs to have control over their breath. This is where yoga plays a crucial role. Madhusudan Naidu throws light on Swami's thoughts on Yoga. Speaking about a devotee who was having chest congestion while eating food, Swami said, “How can someone breathe and eat simultaneously!? When you eat, you can’t breathe; when you breathe, you can’t eat. The number of breaths one can take in a life time is already decided, and therefore if you breathe faster, you will have to leave early. A dog that breaths faster has a shorter life; so also, a man who is always worried and excited would have short and fa...

Madhusudan Naidu remembers Swami take on Experience,not Experiment!

To two scientists who were requesting Swami to visit their research lab,Swami gave a fitting reply that has lots of truths hidden in it. Understanding the intention of the scientists, he said no one will be able to know him by mere experimenting of Madhusudan Naidu . It is only through experience that Swami can be known. In our daily lives, we tend to find answers for several things based on an analysis. But only when we start experiencing them, we will be able to find the true answers behind them. Madhusudan Naidu insists on the point that Swami can be known only through experience and not through scientific experiments. Yesterday,Swami was speaking to two scientists who were requesting Him to come and open their research lab.Swami remarked,“Oh! If I come, you will start doing experiments on Me.” They said, “No Swami, we won’t. Madhusudan Naidu Muddenahalli He smiled and said, “But, that’s what people do with Me, they keep experimenting on Me to find out whether I a...

"Be my Friend" - Madhusudan Naidu speaks Swami's Thoughts!

During a visit to Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence in Singapore,  Swami was greeted with a song titled "We will follow you" by the devotees. In his speech, later on, he said following Swami isn't possible as no one knows where  he goes as he is beyond our imagination. He insists his devotees not to follow him but walk along with him as a friend. As you walk with Swami, he will train you for several births and help you become one with him. Madhusudan Naidu recollects this valuable speech by Swami and continues to spread this message to his ardent devotees.  On the morning of February 16, 2017, when Swami visited the Sri Sathya Sai Centre for Human Excellence after one year, one month and fifteen days, as counted by Dr A R Manjunath, Director of the Institution, the students presented a song they had learnt from the devotees of Singapore called, 'We Will Follow You'. This is a song which the devotees of Singapore often sing in Sw...

Madhusudan Naidu's take on leadership with love in Swami own Words!

A "selfless" leader can bring up a whole society as the thoughts would be people-oriented than self oriented. "Selflessness" is often related to "love". Only an unconditional love can let a leader do good for the people without expecting anything in return. Madhusudan Naidu has always adhered to the ideas and practices put forward by Swami and worked on those lines for the upliftment of the people.  Madhusudan Naidu Muddenahalli A devotee sought guidance from Swami regarding the running of Institutions, to which Swami gave the most profound answer. Swami: For any Institution, leadership is important. As is the leader, so are the people. That’s why a leader has more responsibilities than rights. Would God like this? Would it be good for all? These should be the important questions. But when ego takes over, these questions vanish. Then it’s all about whether I like it and is it good for me! The reverse happens. Such selfish leadership is alwa...